April 02, 2018
Definition of an Argumentative Research Paper
An argumentative research paper is a paper that entails writer’s persuasion stance for topic that is controversial or debatable. The objective of any argumentative research paper is to argue in favor of a certain topic and convince the reader to take agree or disagree.
A sample argumentative research paper provides a discussion of reasons why the writer has taken a stance. You are convinced to agree or disagree with the writer based on the facts and figures provided in the paper. All argumentative research papers should have a thesis. The thesis must be supported by information from primary and secondary data.
A Proper Format of an Argumentative Research Paper
An argumentative research paper example would suffice to help you understand how to format your paper. However, there are different argumentative research paper examples that present different organization of an argumentative research paper. A proper argumentative research paper format outlines the various parts of the paper and what you should include under each section.
- Introduction
The introduction should cover at one or two paragraphs. Present the main purpose of the research paper by setting up the claim through your topic. The introduction should be interesting to create a lasting impression for your readers.
Ensure that you provide a brief overview or summary detailing the background information of your argumentative research paper topic. The background information allows the reader to understand your perspective of the topic. You can refer to a sample argumentative research paper to comprehend how to coin the summary.
State your thesis or central claim in the introduction. The claim or thesis comes at the end of the introduction section. State the ideas that you will develop in the paper.
- Supporting Body Paragraphs
Argumentative research papers are completed by supporting paragraphs to validate and prove your argument to the reader. Each supporting paragraph should carry its own idea. It should start with a topic sentence to provide direction for the reader. Provide scholarly evidence from all the primary and secondary sources have gathered. The paragraphs should have a smooth transition that links one argumentative idea to the next.
- A Counter-Argumentative Section
Many argumentative research paper examples do not provide an explicit counter-argument section. Provide a counter argument paragraph in order to sound more objective and reasonable your target readers. Include one or two arguments and refute them keeping in mind the main claim carried by your thesis.
- Conclusion
The use of a conclusion paragraph is to remind the reader about the arguments and evidence you have provided in the paper. Summarize the ideas and provide the last critical stance regarding the topic.
- Bibliography Section
A bibliography carries a list the primary and secondary sources you have used as evidence to validate your argument. Ensure that they are captured with the citation and referencing style specified by the tutor.
An Example of an Argumentative Research Paper
The struggle of single parents raising children as a single parent seems impossible, but it also has its challenges for the mother or father. Different societies have varied views about single parenting. The debate has been whether a child requires both parents or not. Single parents struggle lie in the process of inculcating proper values in children. A single parent also faces a financial burden in order to provide education, clothing and upkeep nourishment for the children.
The parent provides emotional, behavioral and social skills balance under pressure. As Hubert (2007) states in his article, single parents fail in one way or another to perform in their parenting task for their children. Accidents happen once in a while that break the inherent bond between the child and his or her parent. However, such parents should not be looked down upon because their struggle is torn between impressing the society and the child.
The emotional, social and financial struggle of single parenthood has been outlined and discussed in details. They confirm the argument that single parenting is not a simple feat.