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The Time For Dissertation Writing

Chances are, you have not written a dissertation before. Why? Because you are now just finishing up your Master’s or Ph.D. degree, and it is the only graduate degree you have sought.

But here you are. The coursework is complete and you have this one final project. And you have months to get it done – that’s pretty nice. Or so you think.

You may not realize it, but almost 50% of graduate degree candidates never finish their dissertations. Why is that? Dissertation writing is tough, no matter how long you have to complete the project. And many students, knowing they have plenty of time, procrastinate, and, ultimately, abandon the project altogether.

You do not want this to be you. If the dissertation is not completed, then you don’t get the degree, and all of that work and money is for nothing.

So, let’s take a look at the process of writing a dissertation, and see how we can help.

  1. The Research Question

You probably have at least a general topic area that you want to research. But reducing that down to a specific topic and formulating a scholarly research question is another matter. It has to be approved by your advisor, and you have to justify that it is an important question, in order to get approval.

Fortunately, we have degreed Ph.D. academics in all research fields who can help you get this done. They can help to develop a research question that will be significant and get that approval.

  1. The Dissertation Proposal

Once you have your question, you will have to conduct some initial research, looking at what other researchers have done and concluded. The summary of this initial research will have to go into your proposal.

A dissertation proposal has a number of sections, usually defined by your department. In general, though, they all contain the same information:

  • A statement of your research question

  • A justification for the importance of conducting a study because it will contribute to your field

  • A summary of that initial research you have completed

  • A description of your research design – what instruments you will be using, what population will be contained in the study, and how you will be analyzing the results

  • A timeline for your completion of the project

When you have a Ph.D. field expert from Essay State, you will have as much help as you need in completing that dissertation proposal. They are tough to get approved, especially if there is a committee involved, because all of those members want to have their say. We’ll get it approve.

  1. The Work Begins

You are aware of all of the steps involved in producing a dissertation. Chapter by chapter, you will be writing it up, as you complete the tasks.

  • The Literature Review: this is a long and tedious process. You will need to search for all relevant literature on your question and report on it. The risk here is leaving out some key study or including studies that are not relevant enough and that will just “muddy” the waters. Your expert is already aware of all of the pertinent literature and can complete this task for you.

  • Methodology. You outlined your research design in your dissertation proposal. Now it is time to implement it. This, you must do on your own, because it must be done locally. So gather your data from the instruments you are using and send it all on over. You have someone who can organize it and present it beautifully for you chapter

  • Analysis/Discussion. This is where the statistical analysis comes in. You may struggle with which formulae to use and how to report the results of your analysis. Never fear. It can be done for you – and presented so that the significance of your results are clear.

  • The Introduction and Conclusion. Engaging a reader with your introduction, while not giving away the results of your study is a real balancing at. And your conclusion must answer the question but also point to constraints within your research and point future researchers in new directions to build upon what you have done. You don’t have to struggle with these with Essay State “in your pocket.”

  1. The Last Piece – That Abstract

Now you have to reduce everything you have done over the past 12+ months into a single page summary. Much easier said than done. But our Ph.D. scholars have written many before and can make certain that your dissertation abstract captures the full essence of your study.

Our Many Benefits and Guarantees

  1. A single Assigned Expert in Your Field: You will be given a Ph.D. in your field who will work exactly as you direct and who will remain in constant communication with you throughout the process

  2. You have the right to approve of all drafts or to request revisions as you wish – no problem

  3. Confidentiality. No one will know who you are (you get an ID number) and none of your personal information (which is encrypted in our system) will ever be revealed to anyone else

  4. We work with your timeline. Tell us what you need and when you need it. We make is so.

  5. Progressive Payments and Discounts. We always give discounts for large orders. And we offer a “pay-as-you-go” plan for dissertation customers.

  6. We never close. We are open 24/7/365. If you have any questions or issues, someone can resolve them immediately.

  7. Original Research and Writing – from Scratch. A plagiarized sentence has never left our doors to a customer. It’s our guarantee. And we check it all before you get it.

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