January 02, 2018
Writing a research paper on Abortion
Getting into higher learning is every student’s dream. Everyone knows it is the summit of all studies. However, life in campus is characterized by different aspects that every student must encounter as he goes about his or her studies. However, from an academic perspective, there are so many things that require the attention of the student. From writing term papers through to coming up with different topics for different research papers, among them, research paper on abortion. This is a paper that requires quite an effort in order to make whatever that you are talking about, concrete. At face value, writing a research paper on abortion can be a daunting task. However, if as a student you stay focused, follow some guidelines and tips and manage to remain focused, you will make it in the end.
Writing Tips
In order to make sure that you have written a paper which is appealing, follow the following tips.
- Ensure that you understand the assignment
You need to fathom the nature of the assignment that you have. Writing an abortion research paper does not give you a platform to share your own opinion. Given the fact that this is a controversial area, you need to address the controversy. Ensure that if the instructions do not spell out the need to give your opinion, do not share it in any way whatsoever.
- The Topic
You need to have a more concise topic. This is with respect to the fact that abortion is a broad area and, therefore; you could settle on one area under it. For instance in your abortion research paper, you could tackle the laws related to abortion. That is more specific and understandable
- The sources
Depending on the kind of topic you have, ensure that you understand what is expected for your sources. This is in terms of the number of sources that you require for your research papers on abortion.
- The format
This is something which will be described in the instructions provided. So as a student, you ought to ensure that you follow those instructions to the letter and cite your sources carefully.
Outline for an Abortion based Research Paper
This is how an abortion research paper outline looks like;
- The Introduction
This is the focus and the opening statement of the research paper. For instance, abortion is the most talked about topic in today’s world.
- Many children did not see the light of the world today because they were all aborted
- Stringent laws should be passed in order to curb abortion
- Paragraphs of the body of the paper
- When did abortion start?
- When was the onset of planned pregnancies
- The abortion industry is becoming more lucrative nowadays
- Profits made by the drug companies
- Money made by doctors procuring abortion
- What the future has in store for abortion
- Are people’s opinions changing in any way
- Does the court ruling on abortion show any change
- The Summary/ Conclusion
This is where you revisit your main points and end with a call to action. Take note in this abortion research paper outline; that you ought not to introduce a new topic or anything else apart from what you have discussed. All research papers or specifically research papers on abortion should follow a given format, which helps one make a concrete argument about their topic. Remember that when you have an outline, it will be easier to write your paper because you will not skip any point of detail which is important to your paper.